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ACCU 2014 Conference - Bristol, UK

Last week I participated in ACCU 2014 Conference in Bristol (UK). That was great and fruitful time for me where I find out lot of information about C++ and Software development in general, as well as I met few interesting people. I would like to share few information from that conference with you.
During the conference we listen interesting speeches of many C/C++ experts such as:
    • Howard Hinnant - he presened interesting speech about C++11 Move Semantics, presenting interesting short explanation how std::move actually work as well as detail presentation of generation of Special Member Function (class members which are automatically generated by compiler) for different cases with and without move constructor and move assignment operator. At the end he presented detail implementation of basic move constructor and move assignment operator. Detail explanation of move semantics will be presented on this blog soon.
    • Anthony Williams - author of book C++ Concurrency in Action and developer of C++11 multi-threading functionality presented speech about future of C++ concurrency in C++14 and C++17 standards. He talked about new features which will be added (ex. executors, barriers) and about plans of including parallel versions of STL algorithms. 
    • Hubert Matthews - respond question "Where C++ is headed?". He presented some aspects of future of C++ like: performance optimization based on move semanticstemplate meta-programming, task oriented parallelism, making C++ more dynamic (with lambda functions syntax is similar to JavaScript)
    • Burkhard Kloss - presented interesting introduction to Machine Learning.

Just before conference I became member of ACCU organization. I hope to learn a lot from C++ experts being members of ACCU as well as be active member and give my best for the organization.

Thank you very much to all ACCU 2014 Conference participants for great time spending together. I hope to see you all next year.


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