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Bash - parallel operations

Today I would like to present useful tool for every Linux developer - bash parallel mode. Bash parallel mode allows to invoke multiple bash tasks (ex. functions, linux applications etc.) in parallel, which could save time of processing them. What's is more, usage of bash parallel mode is very simple and does not require lot of work. Let's explain it based on the examples. We are starting with bash script working in seqence mode (one function invoked after previous one). We defind function task() which is later invoked in for loop 10 times. Invoking of each instance of function takes SLEEP_TIME=2 seconds. So script invokation takes 10x2s == 20 seconds. Now, lets change above script in order to work in parallel mode: Please note few small, but important changes between above scripts: <
  • invokation of function task has '&' character at the end. It means that function will be invoked in background and will not block main thread of script.
  • function is invoked before end of program. It is very important function, as it allows main thread of script to wait until all of its background jobs will be finished. Otherwise task invoked in background would became zombie process
And that's it. Now all invokations of tasks are invoked in parallel. After invoking above script you will see that it takes about 2seconds to invoke that script (it is around of time of one task() function invokation) As you can see invoking bash tasks in parallel is very streighforward, but it can save time of processing. However we still need to remember that working multiple tasks which share memory each other, may cause the same problems as multithreading in C/C++ programming (data race conditions (described here: Race conditions) and deadlocks). So you should be aware and take care of those problems when working in absh parallel mode.



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