This is first article describing some aspects of programming with Qt framework. I am going to focus on most important basic feature of Qt framework: signal-slot mechanism . At the beginning take a look on below QT code: Output of that code is this window: This quick code is something like "Hello world" of Qt programming. Let's take a detailed look on the code. In point I we are declaring QApplication object which will contain indefinite loop which will be invoked after program starts in order to wait for user interactions. We can also analyse command line input parameters in this line, but we are not doing it because we do not have any input parameters for our application. In point II we are declaring QPushButton object which will be the only object of our application. As only parameter of our definition we are putting text which should be displayed on our button - "Hello World" . Point III is key point of this example. It presents basic ...
Articles based on my software engineering adventure